What is Tru3D™ tissue analysis?
Posted on Nov 20, 2019
ClearLight’s technology is being developed to eventually evaluate true 3D relationships within a volume of diseased and normal tissue. By examining the tissue in a 3D volume, the CLARITY platform will allow a better understanding of the molecular heterogeneity within that tumor sample. The up and coming, Tru3D™ analysis software will be able to process image files of multiplex IHC stained tissues and analyzes the tissue sample in 3D. The current proprietary 3D Software workflow is Raw Data –> Cell Segmentation –> Classification –> Analysis. Samples in our published papers were imaged on a Leica SP8 confocal microscope and using Bitplane Imaris 9.2.1 software as this was prior to the development of our proprietary software. Learn More.